About Voice of Wisdom

seek-wisdomHi, my name is N. Stanley Otney, and I would like to welcome you to my blog.

As we go through our everyday life experiences, we learn and grow in a variety of different ways on a conscious, and mostly on an unconscious level. These experiences help us to move forward through life with greater knowledge and understanding about ourselves, others and the world around us. When we become consciously aware of these learnings we are able to benefit from them, therefore learning from our past mistakes and actions. In this way we grow, we acquire wisdom, and moreover work on creating a better and a far more fulfilling life experience.

My Blog isn’t designed to change your life or mine overnight, it is rather a collection of insights, ideas and learning experiences I have collected over the course of each day that I believe have made me that little bit wiser, or may be even more careful, confident and knowledgeable in respect to certain areas of my life. I hope that you are able to not only relate to these posts but are also willing to share your insights and ideas so that we may create a repository of life experience that can be shared with the world.

What is written within these posts won’t always be correct to the letter; as every experience is just an observation and a collection of insights based on my perspectives of the world. Please also bear in mind that these posts won’t always apply to all circumstances, people or events. Instead they are designed to provide generalisations that will hopefully assist myself and others to keep a more open mind along our journeys through our world.

I hope that you can take something significant away each time you visit this blog, and I wholeheartedly encourage you to provide your comments and feedback along this journey so that we can all gain something from your own personal insights and experiences.

Yours Sincerely,

N. Stanley Otney

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